Created By
Curtis Kim
My name is Curtis, recently graduated from BCIT. I thought it would be a serious worldwide issue considering the speed of the spread of this virus ever since this novel coronavirus occurred. I frequently googled to check up the current status by going through many websites and felt I was wasting time repeatedly searching with same keywords and for sure I wasn't the only one feeling this way. That's why I started creating this application. It provides up-to-date information on the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in areas Canada with cases of the latest numbers broken by province and country around the world, key contact information, and latest news. I like to help people, and want them to understand this situation easily using this application. I hope this situation improves soon.
- I would really like to collect feedback from you, Please share with your great idea to enhance the tool at [email protected]
- If you have any further inquries about me, Please reach me at [email protected]